Usui Reiki Level 2 Course Overview
The Practitioner Level

Advancing to Okuden, level 2 is a significant milestone in your Reiki journey. It offers deeper insights into the healing powers of Reiki, enhancing your practice on both physical and emotional/mental dimensions. By attuning to the practitioner level, you gain access to a broader array of tools for working with clients remotely, at any time. This not only amplifies the Reiki energy flow but also fortifies your energetic bond. You'll acquire techniques for healing past and future scenarios, as well as providing distant healing, marking your progression towards becoming a certified Reiki Practitioner.
What this course includes:
Recap of Level 1, connecting further with the Reiki Precepts
Receive the 3 sacred traditional Usui Reiki symbols and non-traditional reiki symbols - learn their purpose and energy
Learn new ways to use these sacred traditional symbols, including distant healing, manifestation and chakra balancing
Practice using the sacred symbols for personal use and in a client treatment
Learn how to cleanse your home, office space and clients space
Deepen your spiritual and healing practice emotionally, mentally and physically
Setting up your business practices, code of conduct, marketing and client responsibilities
How to increase your Reiki practice and connection
What you will receive:
10hrs of in person training with Master Teacher
Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Attunement with 3 Sacred Symbols
Self-healing practice, hand positions for client treatments
Absent healing to support your clearing for the next 21-28 days
Reiki Practitioner Handout, Lineage and Certificate
Follow up during the 28 days and at the end for additional support
Link to join our Facebook student group
At the end of this course you will be attuned to 2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner. You will receive your certification and lineage recognised by the Australian Reiki Connection and Reiki Australia.
Reiki Level II Practitioner Training:
Prerequisites: Reiki Level 1 with an accredited Reiki Master Teacher. Please provide copy of certificate and lineage.
Times: 2 days – 9am-2pm
Cost: $550.00 in class, $650 2:1 or $1400 1:1 – prices are per person, all training is done in person and attunements recognised by Australian Reiki Connection.
What to bring:
Please wear comfortable clothes
Water bottle, snacks and lunch
Notepad / pen
Pillow, blanket and mat to lie out
Cancellation policy: Full refund for cancellations within 2 weeks of date of course and 50% refund within 7 days. We are unable provide a refund if cancelled less than 7 days from date of training booked.
Level 2 Classes for 2025
Sydney - Aug 30-31
Krishna Village Retreat - Nov 14-16 book here
Please check website regularly for new release dates or send us an email.