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Reiki Treatments for Medical Support

Using Reiki to support you undergoing medical treatment

Reiki is a gentle non invasive treatment that can be done anywhere at anytime.  Both via Distant Reiki sessions and Hands on Treatments, or a combination of both. Some hospitals offer Reiki as part of their treatment support program. You can book in for a treatment to support your medical care or you can learn Reiki yourself.


Doctors around the world are now incorporating complementary treatments as part of not only post-treatment but also many offering it pre and in theatre treatment, as more and more science is recognising our bodies as energy centres.


We offer Reiki support for patients undergoing medical treatment either in our rooms or we can arrange for home visits, in hospital visits and also palliative / hospice visits. When using Reiki as part of your treatment you are also helping not only the physical but also healing the emotional and mental - underlying factors.


Reiki taps into the parasympathetic nervous system, helping settle and balance the nervous system which in turn allows the bodies natural healing to occur. Providing an environment for traditional medicine to work optimally.


Further Reading Articles:

Reiki used to support Cancer Patients

Research on Reiki used for Medical Support

Reiki in Health Care



Benefits Reported:​

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  • Pre-post operation support

  • Pain Management

  • Improved Sleep

  • Reduced isolation and loneliness

  • Improved Mood

  • Improved Attitude

  • Relaxation

  • Sense of peace and wellbeing

Reiki treatment on stomach

One on one sessions in our Reiki Sydney Rooms - if you would like to book in times at the hospital or home visits please let us know.


Initial consultation and session 90mins - $155


Follow up Sessions 60-75mins - $140


30 mins chair sessions - $80


Reiki Treatments for Medical Support

The Reiki treatments are the same as a standard treatments however tailored to support changes in the clients physical abilities and needs.


During a Reiki treatment you will be comfortable and relaxed lying or sitting whichever is preferred on the table or chair, fully clothed. There is nothing you need to do but be open to receiving the loving energy. We will, with the guidance of Reiki energy place our hands gently on your body in varying hand positions, covering all essential organs, chakras and areas of concern from the client.


Each treatment is unique and tailored to our clients, carers and families.


Before and after each treatment we will work with you to ensure you feel safe, any concerns or questions are answered and your intentions for the treatment are respected.


What happens after the Treatment

Each session and every person has a unique experience depending on what their intentions are, what has been happening in their lives or around them, any trauma past or present they are dealing with, any anxiety, stress, fatigue or just in need of balance and reboot. Most people walk away feeling very relaxed with a sense of clarity whilst the healing shift and balancing has occurred at a deeper level. Click here for further Benefits of Reiki.


Reiki is not to be used as a substitute for traditional medical treatment or advice. 

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